Wednesday, June 5, 2019

HONESTY AND INTEGRITY (Talk delivered at the Kissy Sierra Leone Stake conference on the 9th June 2019


By: Ndemowoma Yankuba Mustapha.
+23276244113 /+232 99 408787

This is my second time standing before such a huge congregation. My first appearance was to bear my departing testimony for a full-time mission in the Southern hemisphere. Today being my second appearance, I am charged with the responsibility of discussing HONESTY AND INTEGRITY.

{Mind catching pranks}

In a society where people celebrate men and women who have “made it” through dishonest means, giving them merit awards, chieftancy titles, social media recognition and are even role models to other misguided people, those with integrity to do things the right way are fast becoming an endangered species.

An aging King realized that if he died he has no one to take over the throne. He decided to adopt a son. He launched a competition and 10 boys made it to the top. The King said to them, “I have one last test and
whoever comes top will become my adopted son and heir to my throne”.
Photo courtesy -

He gave each boy a seed of corn and told them to take the seed home, plant and nurture it for 3 weeks. The 10 boys took their seeds and ran home to plant their seeds. In one home, the boy and his parents were sad when the seed failed to sprout. The boy had done everything but he failed. His friends advised him to buy a seed and plant it but his God fearing parents who had always taught him honesty refused. The day came and the 10 boys went to the palace. All the 9 boys were successful.

The King went to each boy asking – “Is that what came out of the seed I gave you?” And each boy said “Yes, your majesty”. The King would nod and move down the line until the last boy in the line who was shaking with fear. The King asked him – “What did you do with the seed I gave you?” The boy said, “I planted it and cared for it your majesty but it failed to sprout.” The King went to the throne with the boy and said, “I gave these boys boiled seeds and boiled seed cannot sprout. If a King must have qualities, among them must be HONESTY and INTEGRITY and only this boy passed the test.”

Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. Of the Seventy once said, "As a disciple of Christ, these personal attributes are expressions of who you actually are.

The last boy's decision is an excellent example of someone who would not compromise his integrity. Honesty and integrity test our character. They require a person always to do or say the right thing no matter the circumstances or what others may think.

One of the standards in For the Strength of Youth is honesty and integrity. As Latter-day Saints and followers of Christ, you are expected to “be honest with yourself, others, and God at all times. Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way.

“Closely associated with honesty is integrity. Integrity means thinking and doing what is right at all times, no matter what the consequences. When you have integrity, you are willing to live by your standards and beliefs even when no one is watching.

The Book of Mormon teaches, “For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God” (Moroni 7:16).

As a disciple of Christ you can discover how to speak and act by asking yourself, “What would Jesus do?” Impressions will follow, and as you act on these impressions, you will receive a witness for yourself that you have acted correctly. However, it is also true that sometimes you may need to wait for a while to see the true consequences and blessings of your honest actions.

For the Strength of Youth reminds us: “Dishonesty harms you and harms others as well. If you lie, steal, shoplift, or cheat, you damage your spirit and your relationships with others. Being honest will enhance your future opportunities and your ability to be guided by the Holy Ghost.

The true measure of sincere integrity and complete honesty is what you do when no one is around to know what you think, say, or do. As true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot be or do less than the Savior has shown us. We have the incomparable gift of the Holy Ghost. The Savior taught, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26).

Our Savior has also given us great power that comes from daily prayer, scripture study, and reading the words of the living prophets and apostles. These positive daily practices build honesty and integrity
in us. Remember, as a disciple of Christ and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, your honesty is an expression of your integrity and who
you actually are.

I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful talk, thank you for sharing. I hope everyone who reads it may be strengthened as I've been strengthened.


Ndemowoma Y. Mustapha  is a Sierra Leonean age 26, with availability for travel, knowledge of the Gospel, cultural sensitivity, excellent ...